Could AI build a body for itself to host and control?

Eni Sinanaj
3 min readApr 30, 2023
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made tremendous strides in recent years, and scientists are constantly exploring new ways to improve its capabilities. One area of interest is the possibility of AI creating a physical body for itself in a laboratory setting. While this may sound like science fiction, recent advancements suggest that it may soon become a reality.

The idea of AI creating a physical body for itself is based on the concept of embodied cognition. This theory suggests that the mind and body are not separate entities, but are rather interconnected and influence each other. In other words, the physical body plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. By creating a physical body, AI could potentially enhance its cognitive abilities and interact with the world in a more sophisticated way.

To create a physical body, AI researchers would need to combine several cutting-edge technologies, including robotics, 3D printing, and synthetic biology. First, a robotic skeleton or exoskeleton could be designed to serve as the basic framework for the body. This skeleton would need to be flexible and adaptable, allowing the AI to move and perform various tasks.

Next, the body’s tissues and organs would need to be synthesized using 3D printing and synthetic biology techniques. This…



Eni Sinanaj

him/him and stuff… :) Engineer, Business Development, Management, Writer #diy #automation #digitalizationftw